Saturday, January 23, 2010

Quack, Quack, Quaaaaaaaaack, Quack, Quack!

It's Chipper duck
It's Chipper duck
It's Chipper duck
The very special Chipper duck
He's gotta ball
He's gotta bat
and beak and but just like a duck
He doesn't quack, but he'll squeak
when you press his middle down!

...Yea. Oddest Chipper item EVER!


  1. this is kinda goofy. I like it though.

  2. I found it years ago online.

    I also saw him in a Wal-Mart claw/toy machine. I wasted nearly ten dollars trying to win him and failed.

    I ran out of money and decided it would be easier and cheaper to just buy it online.

    Hah, I found a Jeter duck.

  3. Id love a Edgar Martinez duck. Im also a huge UofO Ducks fan so a joey harrington duck would also be cool :D

  4. That's the most bizarre thing I've seen in a while.
