This morning was not a good morning. Not when I see the headline
“Chipper discusses uncertain future, difficult spring."
The article starts off just dandy (THAT WAS SARCASM)
After Chipper Jones discussed encouraging signs he saw from the struggling Braves in a 5-4 loss to St. Louis Monday, the third baseman confided his most difficult spring training has him wondering how much more he can take…
It mentioned Chipper struggling this spring and it hinted about him possibly not even making it through the year.
Hell, it even quotes him as saying...
“The body is starting to tell me every morning when I wake up that it’s getting close,” he said. “I’m signed through the end of this year. If I play in a certain amount of games, I got an option for next year. I don’t know what next year entails.
“I don’t know if I can make it through this year.”
The rest can be read here:
I admit it I instantly thought the worst. I even cried. Yes, cried, tears were shed. I just keep thinking about how he hurt himself in 2010 and how we were not sure if he would ever play again. I’ve watched Chipper since I was ten and first saw him in 1995. I have his cardboard cut-out in my room. The day he retires will be a sad day.
This is why being a pessimist is bad thing. About an hour ago I’m scrolling the barves message board (which is how I found the first article) when someone posts a link to a new article. This one on the Braves official site
...Apparently he was joking.
"Unfortunately, I said it around two guys who don't know me very well, and they didn't realize I was kidding around," Jones said. "One of the guys asked, 'You think you can make it through the season with your knees?' I said, 'Make it through the season, I don't know if I can make it through tomorrow.' Obviously, I'm joking. That's an obvious joke. Really, I just came off the field after playing eight innings. I've had eight at-bats all spring. I was kidding around.
He goes onto say...
"If there was any question about whether I could make it through the season or not, I would not have come back [to play this year]," Jones said. "I will not only make it through tomorrow, I will make it through this season with no problem
Read the full article here:
I feel a million times better now. I even giggled. I do wonder how much he was joking though and now much frustration was talking. The braves have been doing well… not well.
I’ve heard of him being sarcastic before though. I do wish he would be more careful about what he says to people. Then again, maybe the guys were idiots. Now that I read the full quote and not just the ominous....
“I don’t know if I can make it through this year."
....It puts things in a much better prospective.